That's sexist! (Sexist people don't care)

Aribeth Zelin

Sep 23, 2018
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I disagree, but here are my reasons.

One, she is the one with the history of domestic abuse - also, I've watched some of the proceedings, and when she doesn't think anyone is watching, her body language is not of a victim, but of someone smirking because they are getting away with further ruining someone.

Two, as someone who has actually been abused in multiple ways by multiple people, she is the problem - her false accusations make it harder, not easier, because, yet again, it will becomes, 'women are liars, and men are victims' and we have quite enough of that.

Three, she's also already in trouble for perjury in another country, so if she's lied under oath, her word means nothing.

Meanwhile, Depp has problems, but yet, oddly, no other accusations from any of the women he has ever been with? Seems suspicious to me, and has been since the beginning of this mess.

Thing is, she'd already gotten a lot of sympathy and the case was resolved, but she decided to make another attack against him and attempt to further ruin is career.


Well known member no one knows
Sep 20, 2018
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I disagree, but here are my reasons.

One, she is the one with the history of domestic abuse - also, I've watched some of the proceedings, and when she doesn't think anyone is watching, her body language is not of a victim, but of someone smirking because they are getting away with further ruining someone.

Two, as someone who has actually been abused in multiple ways by multiple people, she is the problem - her false accusations make it harder, not easier, because, yet again, it will becomes, 'women are liars, and men are victims' and we have quite enough of that.

Three, she's also already in trouble for perjury in another country, so if she's lied under oath, her word means nothing.

Meanwhile, Depp has problems, but yet, oddly, no other accusations from any of the women he has ever been with? Seems suspicious to me, and has been since the beginning of this mess.

Thing is, she'd already gotten a lot of sympathy and the case was resolved, but she decided to make another attack against him and attempt to further ruin is career.
I thought I was the only abuse victim that saw what she is doing as nothing but an act. She managed to squeeze one tear, ONE tear, out during all that "sobbing". It's a role she is playing because she is vindictive.

There's been no mention of any hospital or OB/gyn records to back up her claim of the bottle incident that I have seen or heard. I'm not talking about Depp's finger. My mom accidentally slammed the car door on my dad's finger during an argument. He lost more than just the tip.

I believe her story even less than I believe his. He may not have been 100% honest yet he was more honest than her.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2018
SL Rez
I disagree, but here are my reasons.

One, she is the one with the history of domestic abuse - also, I've watched some of the proceedings, and when she doesn't think anyone is watching, her body language is not of a victim, but of someone smirking because they are getting away with further ruining someone.

Two, as someone who has actually been abused in multiple ways by multiple people, she is the problem - her false accusations make it harder, not easier, because, yet again, it will becomes, 'women are liars, and men are victims' and we have quite enough of that.

Three, she's also already in trouble for perjury in another country, so if she's lied under oath, her word means nothing.

Meanwhile, Depp has problems, but yet, oddly, no other accusations from any of the women he has ever been with? Seems suspicious to me, and has been since the beginning of this mess.

Thing is, she'd already gotten a lot of sympathy and the case was resolved, but she decided to make another attack against him and attempt to further ruin is career.
I totally agree with all that you said. Depp has his demons but I don't think he's a monster, and frankly think Amber might be. ...WITH THAT SAID, I am very much worried that Amber's lies will be used against women in general.

Aribeth Zelin

Sep 23, 2018
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I thought I was the only abuse victim that saw what she is doing as nothing but an act. She managed to squeeze one tear, ONE tear, out during all that "sobbing". It's a role she is playing because she is vindictive.

There's been no mention of any hospital or OB/gyn records to back up her claim of the bottle incident that I have seen or heard. I'm not talking about Depp's finger. My mom accidentally slammed the car door on my dad's finger during an argument. He lost more than just the tip.

I believe her story even less than I believe his. He may not have been 100% honest yet he was more honest than her.
Spouse and I both think she's got a bit of onion or something in her hankey, but.... thing is she is -not- a good actress, she's not a bad one, but she's only gotten parts because pretty blonde.....

Aribeth Zelin

Sep 23, 2018
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For what it's worth, Mr Justice Nichol found against Depp in the libel action he brought against The Sun. He provides a very thorough analysis of the evidence he heard and why he, in general, he accepts Amber Heard's account of events.

I'll just counter with two things.

One, wouldn't be the first time someone managed to play the young, innocent victim successfully...

Two, I was the victim of a sister who played the young, innocent victim successfully.

Story time, I was [well, still am] five years older than my next sister [not counting the half sibs that I didn't meet until they were both adults and I was close enough [in one case, I was an adult too], and seven years older than the youngest.

So, it was not uncommon for me to be set to watching them.

It was also not uncommon for my sisters to attack me, make a mess, and in general blame me for everything.

One time, they attacked me, then before mom got home, one hit the other hard enough to leave a fairly fast bruise, that got me in trouble, because they claimed I hit them.

The youngest was also a blonde.

So sure, I might be a little biased, but so far on every single one of these #metoo cases, I've been right on the money. Not on the consequences, because an awful lot of men who actually did something wrong, have been given far more of a pass too.

More to the point though, I do not believe Amber Heard because:

1: Body language
2: Previous record of domestic abuse against her ex
3: Stories of her sister having to stop living with her, because Amber tried to knock her down the stairs.
4: Testimony under oath from her personal assistant.
5: Lack of any history or additional claims against Depp.

But, I also know that in a courtroom, only the testimony in the courtroom matters [or should, anyway], and I don't doubt that is the case in the UK either.

Oh, and 6: IIRC, Australia is either in the process of, or has found Amber guilty of perjury.

So, she's not honest either.

Innula Zenovka

Nasty Brit
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Sep 20, 2018
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I'll just counter with two things.

One, wouldn't be the first time someone managed to play the young, innocent victim successfully...

Two, I was the victim of a sister who played the young, innocent victim successfully.

Story time, I was [well, still am] five years older than my next sister [not counting the half sibs that I didn't meet until they were both adults and I was close enough [in one case, I was an adult too], and seven years older than the youngest.

So, it was not uncommon for me to be set to watching them.

It was also not uncommon for my sisters to attack me, make a mess, and in general blame me for everything.

One time, they attacked me, then before mom got home, one hit the other hard enough to leave a fairly fast bruise, that got me in trouble, because they claimed I hit them.

The youngest was also a blonde.

So sure, I might be a little biased, but so far on every single one of these #metoo cases, I've been right on the money. Not on the consequences, because an awful lot of men who actually did something wrong, have been given far more of a pass too.

More to the point though, I do not believe Amber Heard because:

1: Body language
2: Previous record of domestic abuse against her ex
3: Stories of her sister having to stop living with her, because Amber tried to knock her down the stairs.
4: Testimony under oath from her personal assistant.
5: Lack of any history or additional claims against Depp.

But, I also know that in a courtroom, only the testimony in the courtroom matters [or should, anyway], and I don't doubt that is the case in the UK either.

Oh, and 6: IIRC, Australia is either in the process of, or has found Amber guilty of perjury.

So, she's not honest either.
I think you many mean this -- she's apparently "under investigation" on suspicion of perjury resulting from the incident in 2015 when she and Depp tried to bring their pet dogs into the county, but no findings seem yet to have been reached.

Not having had the advantage of sitting through the 16 trial and hearing all the evidence, as did Mr Justice Nicol, I can't really comment, other than note that his verdict was later upheld by the Court of Appeal.


Well known member no one knows
Sep 20, 2018
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Some people really are that good at talking themselves out of trouble or shifting the blame.
  • 1Agree
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Innula Zenovka

Nasty Brit
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Sep 20, 2018
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Some people really are that good at talking themselves out of trouble or shifting the blame.
Sure. I've not been following the case and didn't follow the English libel trial either.

All I'm saying is that, when Johnny Depp's libel action was heard in London, under English libel law, which is far more favourable to the plaintiff than is US law, since here the defendants (The Sun newspaper, in this case) had to prove to the civil standard (balance of probabilities) that what they printed is true, the judge found for The Sun and against Depp, largely because he considered Amber Heard a credible witness, not least because much of her evidence was corroborated by other witnesses, and the Court of Appeal agreed with him.

That's not to say he got it right, but it does suggest to me that Amber Heard's account is perhaps more credible than people are suggesting. Just have to see what the US court make of it.
  • 1Thanks
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Sep 26, 2018
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"Women's natural strength is creating, so don't be a coder, there's no creating involved there. So sayeth our God Elon Musk."

Wait. 9 months maternity leave?
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a law that requires most companies to allow their employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid family leave time after the birth of their child.

Arkady Arkright

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2018
Some of the replies to that thread are well worth reading...

Also - if I was a female ''interviewed' at Google by that guy, I think I'd be talking to a discrimination lawyer...


So when I used to conduct interviews for Google, I rejected all women on-the-spot and trashed their resumes in front of them. I told them, “Go have some kids. Don’t worry, I’m smarter than you, I know.” Then I gave them an NP-hard problem and went home