Twenty years ago, when we first moved to this neighborhood, Halloween was BIG! We had like 300 kids show up, just a non-stop mob from 6-8pm. Back then -- when we were a lot more energetic than now -- we put on a really big show, too. Mrs. Beebo started planning and decorating weeks in advance and I took the day off from work to prep on the day.
Then, year by year, the number of kids steadily dropped. We still make an effort to decorate, but the display is a shadow of what we used to do, and I haven't updated the music we play. The CD is getting really old and yellow, but it still plays Thriller and various Nightmare Before Christmas songs that I compiled.
This year there were probably fewer than a hundred kids. We figured out pretty quickly that we overbought on the candy, so I started handing huge handfuls of candy to every kid. "Wait, don't leave, have some MORE!"