Oh, if you have a spare 38 minutes or so, check out the Pyramid Song in verrrrry slow speed. An alternative universe where Radiohead plays ambient music.
Holy schnikies -- I have not seen anyone do to a keyboard what this gentleman does since I saw Jon Lord (Deep Purple) commit extended assault and battery on a Hammond B3.
Lachey Doley has played backup to Joe Bonamassa and a bunch of other hard-edge blues folks. The instrument is a modified Hohner Clavinet run through a wah-wah pedal and I'm not sure what else. Watch closely and you can see the Clavinet trying very hard to come apart. Only the duck tape is saving it!
Australian fellow. Perhaps some of our down-under members can tell us how to pronounce Lachey.
Interesting use of AI for the video but it suffers from AI stupidity as well. Missing arms, legs, feet, mismatched shoes even a few head skin tones not matching the body skin tones at all, not even in the same ball park. Plus the usual play the footage back and forth fun. Sound/song wise though it is enjoyable.