What is the purpose of life?

THEHERO Snowfall

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May 27, 2022
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Today, as I sat at my desk, I contemplate life and one of its biggest question. What is the purpose of life and why were we born. Why live if we know it is only going to end one day,by some form of death.
Some examples on why I believe we live
A. We only live to work so we may make money then inevitably die.
B.We are living to learn all we can only to die and take that knowledge with us.
C.We are merely living for our family, whether our biological family or those we choose as our family, then we die.
D. We live only to struggle our whole life then die.
I want to know why, I am unable to truly define the meaning. Our creator, whatever god you choose to believe in, does not give us the answer to this question. Why would he not tell us why he made our life seemingly so short and limited. It seems maybe someone is toying with our lives, with us.
Do you perhaps know an answer? I would love to hear your opinions on this question.
Thank you in advance for your participation.



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Monica Dream

Jesus he knows me ...and he knows I'm right!
Dec 21, 2019
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Today, as I sat at my desk, I contemplate life and one of its biggest question. What is the purpose of life and why were we born. Why live if we know it is only going to end one day,by some form of death.
Some examples on why I believe we live
A. We only live to work so we may make money then inevitably die.
B.We are living to learn all we can only to die and take that knowledge with us.
C.We are merely living for our family, whether our biological family or those we choose as our family, then we die.
D. We live only to struggle our whole life then die.
I want to know why, I am unable to truly define the meaning. Our creator, whatever god you choose to believe in, does not give us the answer to this question. Why would he not tell us why he made our life seemingly so short and limited. It seems maybe someone is toying with our lives, with us.
Do you perhaps know an answer? I would love to hear your opinions on this question.
Thank you in advance for your participation.

The problem with pretty much any religion is that they're all too new. Our species has been walking the earth for what -hundreds of thousands of years but it's only within the last 4,000 or 6,000 years that the almightys have been revealed? Get out with that BS!

I do believe in spirituality, and maybe even god/gods/cosmic shit that's bigger than we can understand. I believe in reincarnation, and in rain.

Like water turns to steam turns to rain, we live, we die, we live again. It's a mechanics-based automatic process -like water to rain.

I'm not convinced there's a purpose -a reason. I can't say for sure there isn't, but I tend to lean more toward the watchmaker theory than anything else.

Dakota Tebaldi

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Sep 19, 2018
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Does life really need a purpose?

Like, a rainstorm doesn't have a purpose, it's just a thing that happens because other things happened to cause it, and other things caused those things, and so on and yeah. And the rainstorm causes other things to happen too, like plants to grow and lakes to fill and cars to drive through puddles and [redacted]ing drench me with ice cold [redacted]ing water while I'm waiting at the corner to cross the [redacted]ing street; but that's not the same thing as the rainstorm having a "purpose" and that purpose being to make those things happen. Purposes are imposed on things by someone or something else.

So if something or someone was responsible for making "life" happen and intended it to have a purpose - well they should've told you. If they haven't, then who cares what they intended. Play games, listen to cool music, eat good food. Make other people happy if you like doing that. Do what's necessary to maintain your ability to do those things. You can decide all those things are the "purpose" of life if you want, it's not like your opinion would somehow be less valid than someone or something else that couldn't even be bothered to give theirs. But also, you can just not. Those things don't have to be "the purpose", nothing does, you can just do them and enjoy them, the same way the rainstorm just happens.

Chalice Yao

The Purple
Sep 20, 2018
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From a purely objective standpoint, Life serves no purpose.
Nothing does, really - purpose is always a subjective thing, and the universe, including our planet, just does not care. 'Mother Nature' does not care. The universe and laws of physics just happen, and that includes Life and all its processes. The span of a single life, on an universal timescale, is not even a grain on a beach.

And from a subjective standpoint, there is no 'true' answer, exactly because it is subjective. Life, and its purpose, is what you make of it because it is your life in the end.

I keep it simple:
I only have one life, this life, and I try to find enjoyment and a nice experience in it whenever I can. Don't stress too much over things that don't matter much in the long run,.
Don't work myself to death to 'possibly enjoy myself late in life' because that would be a waste of what comes before. Enjoy now, not just later.
And I, in turn, also try to enable (or at least not prevent) the same in others around me though my presence.

That's it. Enjoy the ride, and try to help others do the same.
Be excellent to each other.
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Kokoro Fasching

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Sep 24, 2018
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Life is because of bananas.

Banana were. But they did not have a purpose, felt adrift in the aether.

So they created life. Let that life expand and grow, and create. And in the fullness of time, that life began to use Banana as a unit of measurement, and a unit of scale. Banana had purpose. Banana felt useful. And in time, when Banana get bored with being a unit of measurement, life will become Lemon Jello.


Beebo Brink

Climate Apocalypse Alarmist
Sep 20, 2018
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Our creator, whatever god you choose to believe in....
I've never understood why people find the concept of a creator so attractive. If you assume any god/creator, not much about anything makes any sense, least of all the hidden purpose and meaning of life.

On the other hand, without any creator, life just is. Animals have no problem with just getting on with life, minute by minute; it's only humans who developed this ability to overthink everything. I believe we're all half-mad due to an overactive frontal lobe.

CronoCloud Creeggan

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Sep 26, 2018
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To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women.

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A wink and a smile.
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Sep 22, 2018
Moonbase Caligula
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Anyway, it's not like we're going to figure anything out here...

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