It's available to everyone now (or has been - they posted this on Thursday).
The much-anticipated Second Life Mobile Beta is here – and it’s available now to everyone! With Second Life Mobile, you can: Socialize & Stay Connected - Chat with both text and spatialized voice, you can keep up with your virtual friends and communities. Take your conversations anywhere and ...
They've long since dealt with skin displaying as a black void. My avatar looks as expected. I do like the ghostly outline of ones initial avatar at login, rather than the cloud in the desktop viewer.
Movement controls...I'm getting the hang of things, but they're twitchy as fuck.
I find it bothersome I need to have "signed out" previously to see the login screen upon opening the viewer.
The major issue is I've yet to get more than 10 minutes into a session before something goes haywire, and I either stop seeing the world refresh, the world goes into some funky visual mode (I enjoy when an outlined doppelganger of myself appears, nametag and all), or the session crashes with no indication I'm no longer online, other than when I try to chat with someone.
I'll may have to try it at some point on my Android Tablet, because in it's present form using it on my phone is pure comedy.