I know what you are saying, just ignore it and don't give them power. I understand that an if it had been me i would have responded with something along the lines of "kiss my ass." The person that received this message also isn't concerned. The message itself isn't that alarming, it's what it implies. She is being stalked by someone that just hates her because of the avatar she is choosing to play. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine was stalked across 2 estates just because of the avatar he played. Sometimes its just easy to say ignore them, but its hard to do when they are intent on chasing you down, stalking you, and using the very rules against you.
Another thing, it's just fucking stupid that there are people like this in the game I love so much.
From what I've seen over the years, child avatars have been a target of abuse no matter what LL does or does not do. And no matter how reasonable their policies (and the current polices strike me as pretty damn reasonable), haters will still hate and some members of the child avatar community will still complain that it's LL fault that the haters are hating.
I can agree the policies are reasonable and this has always been a problem. But from my point of view, they only seem to be lip service. For once I wish the Lab would just step up and make a statement that this behavior will not be tolerated against my community. Maybe enforce the harassment of child avatars by people like this with the same zeal they go after the ageplayers.