Two interesting videos. In the first, a former American solider is talking about a captured north korean solider getting interviewed in an unverified video from Telegram. The giant censor blur is the guy's swollen face. It's preferable to the actual video based on another article I found. Guy constantly mispronounces Ukrainian words, but other then that, offers a good point of view from an American who supports Ukraine.
And here is a woman in Kyiv talking about how she feels about Trump's idiotic '24 hour plan.' Her perspective is always interesting. She's always very enthusiastic when talking about things being on fire in russia.
I also saw something from the Pentagon of US talking about how there are ppl in South Korea who had perviously escaped from north korea to South Korea who have military experience and wish to go to Ukraine to engage with the north koreans in pyschological warefare. It felt a bit to propogandy, though. Hopefully, it is true.