Some sharp guy or woman has a chance to make some serious buck writing Christian entertainment that doesn't suck and isn't super cringy.
People are making some serious bucks with (literally) god-awful dreck. Nobody's going to make any money providing that idiot market with real art. Actual art would require, for want of a better term, the addition of some salt. That market does not like salt. Not one bit. I mean, Think of The Chirrun(tm)!
What makes art/music/dance interesting:
1) Conflict: The only conflict in their pablum is whether or not the hero/heroine will Find The Lord(tm).
2) Suspense: They always Find The Lord(tm).
3) Problems Too Big to Solve: Ain't nothin' The Lord(tm) can't solve.
4) Clashing World Views: Only as cartoonish "bad guys." Can't have any of those alternate POV's sounding appealing! Think of The Chirrun!(tm)
5) Sex: Yeah, no. Only exists as veiled references to current Temptation* (see #3 above) or, pretty much for males only, Past Bad Thing I Thought About or Maybe Did but From Which I Have Now 100% Reformed (see #2 above.)
* Does not refer to any past or current member of Motown's The Temptations unless otherwise specified. Do not think of chirrun That Way (unless you are a pastor, junior pastor, or music pastor.) Pipes, clamps, and welded parts extra.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Temptations!