Nobody Cares: PRS

Bartholomew Gallacher

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2018
SL Rez
Inflation is a thing since the pandemic, and more so the start of the Ukraine war everywhere. The Austiran government promised in May this year to open up a public price comparison portal in collaboration with the biggest market chains, updated once a week and for 16 product categories only for everybody in fall this year, because setting this is up such a "enormous and challenging task."

So a developer named Mario Zechner said "Hold my beer!", and had the first working prototype ready within two hours in May 2023 after he read the announcement for the two biggest chains in Austria with all products. Since then he's been crawling the public available price data of important products in supermarkets and the biggest chains to run his analyses. People soon flocked about it, contributed their data pools as well and - how surprising - things looks really nasty. He's also updating his stuff once a day, and using much more categories and chains than what his government was planning to do.

First he wanted that a NGO takes over the project and acts as legal shield, but since no such NGO was willing to he just published the data by himself, created a portal and opensourced the whole source code as well. He's also covering German and Slovenian supermarkets, basically large scale analyses now on much stuff going back for years.

His findings are that most likely - no wonder - the chains are acting as cartel, and therefore the market is not working. More surprising though is, that e.g. Red Bulll, an Austrian brand produced in Austria is up to 40% cheaper in Germany at normal price than in Austria discounted. And this goes for much stuff made in Austria. Also many price increases are way higher tham the energy price increase alone.

I am pretty sure much of his findings are applicable to America and other counries as well.

Link to his price portal: Heisse Preise

Basically the guy proofed using tons of data and applying data science to it that greed inflation is happening at large scale right now. Since he was able to observe the "one chain does a thing, soon others will follow prompty" game everywhere he concludes that the chains have such tools working in-house as well.
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A wink and a smile.
VVO Supporter 🍦🎈👾❤
Sep 22, 2018
Moonbase Caligula
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Sep 20, 2018
Doesn’t it seem sometimes (often), when those who have been considered more to the left are called out on their sexism, or just jerk behaviour, they suddenly veer to the right. Maybe they think of themselves as being in the sensible middle, right of the “extreme wokes”. Same thing when they start making money and believe they now pay too much taxes (socially liberal but “fiscally conservative’).

Then *poof*, they go down the rabbit hole of conspiracies and latch on to any wacko group because the community of people they once belonged to don’t want them around anymore.

Soen Eber

Vatican mole
VVO Supporter 🍦🎈👾❤
Sep 20, 2018
A lot of piney barrens I suspect. It's not like up here or Nebraska where most of the rural productive landscape stops at three four five feet above the ground.
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Sep 20, 2018
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Kamilah Hauptmann

Shitpost Sommelier
Sep 20, 2018
Cat Country (Can't Stop Here)
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- Weird looking investigative journalist with a Houston, TX teevee station finds out about a small town three hours north of Houston that has 249 residents and 50 COPS on its police force. Journalist decides to do some digging.

- The cops are making a fortune for the small town writing tickets to resident and passers-through alike.

- A disconcertingly high percentage of the 50 cops resigned or were shitcanned from other police agencies based on complaints for excessive force use, criminal activities, etc.

- That includes the chief of police who hired the other cops. Turns out the chief had an active DUI case against him in Florida and failed to mention that on the application he filed with the city for the chief job. He explained that he wrote down "everything that was in [his] mind" at the time he filled out the application.

- The department has a "warrants division" that functions like a collection agency. Almost all warrants division officers live in the Houston area and never set foot in the town where they "work." They're all listed as full-time police department employees, which makes them eligible for lucrative private security moonlighting work.

- Journalist interviews the mayor, who is - or at least claims to be - utterly bereft of clue regarding what's going on in his police department. It was a high-quality beclowning indeed!

- An emergency city council meeting is called. Before the meeting, Chief Drunkiepoo emails his resignation to the mayor and council members. City officials point and laugh at the resignation before shitcanning it. They will not be denied the opportunity of firing this clown.

- City council also disbands the whole city police force. The search for a new chief is under way. None of the cops there when the disbanding happened will work for this town again unless the new chief decides, case-by-case, to rehire them and city council approves each rehire.

- In the meantime, the sheriff's office for the TX county in which the town is locate will handle all the town's law enforcement. City residents are deliriously happy that policing which can most charitably be described as heavy-handed is over.


Sep 20, 2018
The Rise of the New Conservative Consumer - A 2023 update

The results are from polls taken in Canada, but I’m certain it’s similar +/- in the US and elsewhere.

They've divided consumers into six types:

1- The Postmodern
2- The Proud
3- The Hedonist
4- The Fatalist
5- The Circumspect
6- The No-Logo

Wasn’t sure which part to quote. It’s all interesting.

We have focused on The Proud because it is the segment that has experienced the most growth, as well as being the most surprising. As an expression of the neoconservatism that is becoming strongly rooted in our social fabric, this segment represents the most astonishing social phenomenon we have witnessed in recent years.
The other and perhaps more important factor is the deep sense of disempowerment The Proud feel in their lives, regardless of ethnicity (whence The Proud’s keen need for personal recognition). They feel slightly disconnected because of societal changes yet refuse to be marginalized.

An article published on our website in June 2022 deals specifically with the rise of this disempowerment among Canadians and the neoconservatism it has engendered.

This trend is still climbing in 2023.

This type of mentality tends to provoke a strong desire for escape and the potential gratification through consumption becomes a sought-after outlet; hence, the concomitant growth of these indicators.

However, despite this feeling of disempowerment, the Proud feel they can adapt to current uncertainties and display a very strong desire for social affirmation.

Soen Eber

Vatican mole
VVO Supporter 🍦🎈👾❤
Sep 20, 2018
That's gonna really really mess up the electrics.

So just how much does a new wiring harness for an F-35 go for, anyways? Can you get a salvage?

One article says they are focusing on a region that has two lakes. The F 35 may have ended up in the bottom of one of them.