I'm going to state the obvious. Obviously. The bits I read about Trump are uniformly disgusting, exposing his frailty and insanity as he runs for President. But what deep-down scares me and disgusts me more than anything are the examples of his relationships with his wife and son - and daughter! - which exposes a deeply distorted psychology. I'm not sure I can call his relationship with Eric and Don Jr. as "healthy". Add in his lack of relationships with animals and I can't help but conclude that Trump needs to be locked away for his own and everyone else's protection, and gagged for the sanity of civilization.
In his case "anti-social" doesn't just mean he wants to be alone. It means he is actually ANTI society when it contradicts his narcissistic world view. And that is his final hill. He would rather die there than give up his own insanity.
Please please don't ever give this man power again. I beg of everyone.