Truth be told, I was talking about OpenSim in-world communities rather than about forums.
It is difficult to get banned from here. Ordinarily what happens is someone arrives with an axe to grind, works up into a froth at the lack of sympathy and attention, then will quit in disgust. Sometimes multiple times.
Now, since I was talking about OpenSim and only OpenSim the whole time, allow me to elaborate:
There are "freebie sims" on the Hypergrid that are chock-full of content illegally ripped from Second Life. Some sim owners, not nearly all, but some pride themselves in not having a single legal item on their sims save for a few custom-made marquees that wouldn't make sense in Second Life ("FREE NEVER BUY IN OPENSIM") and the OpenSimWorld beacon which wouldn't even work in Second Life because Second Life doesn't have the necessary technology. Others say that copybotting is necessary because OpenSim would literally have no content whatsoever otherwise. Maybe allegedly save for "old Linda Kellie crap" from 2008.
"Drama" refers to everything ranging from someone mentioning that
something on this sim
may have been copybotted from SL within earshot of the sim owner to threatening the sim owner with an IP lawsuit, combined with the forced closure of their sim by the grid owner (or the closure of the entire grid if the grid openly supports copybotting, or sim owner and grid owner are the same). Regardless of what on this scale you're caught doing, not exactly few sim owners will kick and ban you for it upon first strike.
This is very normal, moving around until you find a good place to hang your hat.
In-world, less than you may think. I've only moved once, and that was also because I had started out on an already half-dead grid.