Christianity is in crisis


Well known member no one knows
Sep 20, 2018
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Let's don't forget another triumph of christianity, namely judgement on COVID19 by Kenneth Copeland. After that the world was not longer the same.

Huh. I wonder how that one got by me.

Hint: It didn't. I don't watch fire and brimstone bullshit.

Dakota Tebaldi

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Personally, I wouldn’t take advice from a person who may or may not have existed 2000 years ago about how to live my life today. It can be interesting in a historical sense, and we can choose to build upon what our ancestors knew/believed in, but things evolve, ya know?
I dunno, I don't think I would go that far. IMO there's definitely some babies in that bathwater. Until Constantine ruined it, Christianity was a religion for the poor, disempowered, and the looked-down-at. The Sermon on the Mount pretty much claps, and you don't have to believe in heaven or an afterlife at all to appreciate "it's easier to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter Heaven", it's a fantastic and pure sentiment that doesn't need much development. After all, the only people who HAVE built upon it or refined it over the years have been rich people desperately trying to explain why it totally doesn't mean them.


Sep 20, 2018
Are you quoting bible lines at me about getting into heaven?

I’m not throwing anything out. I didn’t say anything about Christianity being about or not about anything. I was talking about Jesus and if he was or not an actual individual, and if one should get their life advice from quotes of him written by others, then translated and passed on.

There are plenty of actual people who “speak for the poor, disempowered, and the looked-down-at” right now (and about women, too! Not just whores being stoned).

You may have added some meaning to what I wrote so that you could speak about what you felt like talking about.

Cindy Claveau

Radical Left Degenerate
Sep 21, 2018
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*Derail warning*

I always wonder why people who pretend to have magical powers use their hands like that, as if our fingers are actually little wands that expel sparks.

I saw one of those paranormal shows where the "psychic" spent most of the show walking around with her hands up in the air and her eyes clenched shut like she was some kind of doppler radar. By the end of the show, she had to stop because her arms got tired. They never did solve the ghost problem.


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Sep 20, 2018
SL Rez
*Derail warning*

I always wonder why people who pretend to have magical powers use their hands like that, as if our fingers are actually little wands that expel sparks.

I saw one of those paranormal shows where the "psychic" spent most of the show walking around with her hands up in the air and her eyes clenched shut like she was some kind of doppler radar. By the end of the show, she had to stop because her arms got tired. They never did solve the ghost problem.
I think there is a very powerful cognitive bias that doing "something" is better than doing nothing even when you objectively have no control over the issue. Prayers or attempts at occult magic help fill that need to be doing "something" when you couldn't really do anything. The gestures and mental focus helps them feel like they are doing something. It's probably related to how research into placebos showed they work better if you attach it to some activity or even if it hurts a bit.

Cindy Claveau

Radical Left Degenerate
Sep 21, 2018
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The Big Bang? 🤭
Well, no, we do have evidence for the Big Bang. You just need instruments to see it.

Paranormal shows are my secret vice. Almost every bit of it is made-up crap and superstitious guesswork. I usually only watch when there's nothing else on, and then I just like to call out their illogical explanations of random noises. (My own basement has TONS of random noises. Most of it involves floor joints expanding/contracting with the ambient temp.)

The very rare instances where something can't be explained, I'm entertained. And there have been a few!


Well known member no one knows
Sep 20, 2018
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Well, no, we do have evidence for the Big Bang. You just need instruments to see it.

Paranormal shows are my secret vice. Almost every bit of it is made-up crap and superstitious guesswork. I usually only watch when there's nothing else on, and then I just like to call out their illogical explanations of random noises. (My own basement has TONS of random noises. Most of it involves floor joints expanding/contracting with the ambient temp.)

The very rare instances where something can't be explained, I'm entertained. And there have been a few!

No, no. I meant as a means of explanation. Big bang says the universe was created from "nothing" in layman's terms so the evidence you refer to is proof that something can be created from "nothing". Converting energy to mass is more or less creating something from nothing.

I got bored with paranormal shows before Grant and Jason went their separate ways. None of them have ever proven anything and the "instruments" they use are mostly a joke.

We have doors that open all by themselves due to temps and moisture causing them to expand and contract. Our cats can lightly push on a fully closed door, and it will open. I'm constantly having to chase my Snowman out of my bathroom so I can have privacy like I give him when he is in his litter box.

The joys of living in a tin can.
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Cindy Claveau

Radical Left Degenerate
Sep 21, 2018
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No, no. I meant as a means of explanation. Big bang says the universe was created from "nothing" in layman's terms so the evidence you refer to is proof that something can be created from "nothing". Converting energy to mass is more or less creating something from nothing.
You'll love Kraus :) A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing

The joys of living in a tin can.

I lost my oldest son to an aneurysm a few years ago. The depth of my pain and grief could not be expressed in words so I stopped trying. I also found myself unintentionally reading into things because I was grieving. He had this funny, insolent way of saying "Hey" when he called me. I was awakened a few days after he died when I could have sworn I heard his voice saying "Hey" in my ear.

My natural skeptic has dismissed that as an audible hallucination, my impression no doubt driven by grief. I cannot logically accept the idea of an afterlife, which is ok with me. I'm at peace with believing that I just missed him so badly I heard things.

And now, back to topic :D


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Sep 20, 2018
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Prefer this version.

(I don't have any musical talent, but watching this guy create songs out of nothing always makes me want that OP-1.)
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Dakota Tebaldi

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Sep 19, 2018
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How else do you convey the concept of "something is there" when, in fact, nothing is there?
Yup this - as humans we work with our hands, so in order to sell the story that you're "doing something", especially something that's invisible, you have to be using your hands to do the thing. Extra points for making an effort-face to show that you're working really hard.