Anyone feeling the squeeze from the chip shortage? I've not felt it, but I haven't bought any commercial electronics since late last year. I'm hearing it's really hurting consoles and cars.
I keep hearing Christmas is going to be rough this year for similar reasons, toys and other gifts stuck in the broken supply chains. 2022's going to be interesting.
I used to use rental cars a fair amount. All summer, they weren't available except at ridiculous prices. I'm getting one tomorrow for the first time since spring but the price is high.
We have buckets of Covid-related federal educational funds, that must be encumbered soon, but our state contracted vendors are woefully low on stock. Browse to CDWG, for example, and search for networking, server, and desktop equipment. We may need to pay more attention to those historical computing groups after all.
I'm feeling it, but not in a hard way, more as a minor annoyance so far.
Professionally my company decided to setup some database reporting. For this we had to get some new server hardware. Turned out that getting the hardware of our wishes was nearly impossible, because server CPUs of the most recent generation are almost sold out in a few hours they appear on the market. So we had to go with a CPU of the previous generation instead, which has roughly 10% less performance and still costs as much as one of the recent generation.
Personally it's just my GPU. I wanted to replace my Geforce 1070ti when the 3000 of Nvidia and matching stuff by AMD came out. As we all know when they came onto the market prices went throughout the roof thanks to the pest of crypto currency miners and CPU shortage as well. So my approach is just to delay that until the price goes down into normal regions again.
wear and tear on Studio equipment from the constant cleaning is starting to take it's toll on everything from headphones to pop filters. i just put in a request to get extra Parts cause it maybe several weeks.... We were going to do a full facility upgrade (we have one computer still running windows 7) but that has since been put on the back burner and taking it's time. with the new software coming in will likely be all macs and cloud but until then... manual input everything