Arrrrggghhhh I just created a bunch of work for myself.
So if you want to install a program that isn't in your package manager (or is out of date in your package manager) - and you wouldn't know it from the way beginner-to-Linux advice channels talk, but that's actually kind of common, or at least not UNcommon - you have to ignore the advice of said noob-advice channels that urge you never to not-use the package manager, and actually go to websites to download the software yourself. If you're lucky they have a .deb file (if you're using a Debian Linux, etc, blah blah blah) of the software which works functionally the same like an installer in Windows, you double-click it and your OS has a utility that knows what to do with it and will handle the install automatically, and as a bonus you might even be able to see it in your graphical package manager if you've installed it that way, depending on things like the phases of the Moon.
First thing to do is to check if there isn't a third party repository around which just might contain this program you need so much. Some distributions, like Debian, have a lot of such repositories around. Of course these are not endorsed by the distribution, so you are on your own there and well you decide whom you trust.
Next thing is, if there is not such a repository around, and if you don't mind to use it: use Snap or Flatpak if your distribution supports it. Look around if there's a package for that program around there.
Only if this does not lead to a satisfactory result, then you should compile the program on your own. First challenge already for some distributions: C compiler not installed by default. So installation of C compiler.
Next challenge: installation of missing development files for libraries, aka file headers.
Then: some programs nowadays don't use configure/make/make install any longer. For example Cmake or Ninja are competing build systems used by some.
Also for bigger programs, like Chromium, having enough CPU power and RAM is an issue.
And never use ./configure - it will just try to autoconfigure your source package, set it up for compilation and that's it. Nono, we don't want that! First type in ./configure --help, have a look at the feature flags, if there isn't a feature turned off by default you want to have in your binary. You can spot them, because they start with --enable or --disable mostly, like --enable-jpeg. Or the other way around.
Next thing: always hand over ./configure a custom path for installation, like e.g. ./configure --prefix=/opt/yourawesomestuff
And put that path into your PATH file. Makes deleting your own binary later much much easier, also reduces the possibility that it will screw up your distribution a lot.
Also never just type ./make, but instead ./make -jX - and X is number of your CPU cores multiplied by 2. This speeds up compile a lot, because only then all your CPU cores get something to do in parallel.
And a last tip - if unsure about ruining your system, install it on a COW file system like ZFS. Before you start doing your own stuff, make a snapshot of your whole system. If your adventure didn't work out, rollback to the beginning.