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  1. Tigger

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    So reading my news today and Im starting to wonder if Im just hallucinating this... Trump is going to take over Gaza, send the Palestinians to Egypt and build a holiday resort? Want's to start a concentration camp for immigrants in Guantanamo? And has ordered the "obliteration" of Iran if they...
  2. Tigger

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    Techdirt: A coup is in progess in America Have to say, it sure does look that way.
  3. Tigger

    California is Burning

    So... Trump thinks he's putting out Californias fires? Maybe? In fact he's just dumping Californias summer water reserves.
  4. Tigger

    California is Burning

    I saw "Yokel Haram" and my first thought was "A whiter shade of pale". I was gonna object but....
  5. Tigger

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    I cannot force myself to listen to the man speak. It's almost a defensive reflex to switch channels/close apps if I catch his voice
  6. Tigger

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    I didn't think I could despise that man more but first there's this So... who thinks Biden did anything at all or even had any power whatsoever to change ATC hiring and training practices? That clueless ignorant bigoted orange baboon is going to try and tell the FAA what to put in their...
  7. Tigger

    I am not a robot....

    Is it bot activity or are your users just more botlike than average?
  8. Tigger

    Social Media and the state

    So we had one mistake blocking searches for democrats as a party and for individual democrat politicians, we've had google skipping Biden on it's list of US presidents but including trump for both his terms and now we have .... Facebook and instagram block posts about abortion providers and in...
  9. Tigger

    What Are You Listening To?

    mmmm bleak and absent all hope....
  10. Tigger

    I am not a robot....

    I get a lot of generalised oddness around the forums, like the majority of embedded content does not work for me, as I do radical things like blocking cross site scripting by default and preventing a lot of tracking by social media sites. So I wasn't sure if I'd brought it on myself.
  11. Tigger

    I am not a robot....

    Over the last few days I have been getting an ever increasing number of requests to prove that I'm not a robot.... do I sound more mechanical than I used to? can I be easily replaced by a small script? or am I so dangerous I just need to be recaptchaed? What's going on?
  12. Tigger

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    The most convincing take I've seen on this wording is that it's laying groundwork for "person from conception" anti - abortion legislation/ foetal rights
  13. Tigger

    Yay! Nobody Cares about Tickle Me Elmo Musk

    Curious phenomena, I've just been browsing reddit and it is just littered with "proposal to ban twitter/ links from this sub" Musk going full Twittler on stage seems to have pissed off a lot of people.
  14. Tigger

    Toxic Tesla

    This article gives some of the reasons why the Tesla isnt legal in the UK (or in the EU, China and "some Asian states") Although it looks like either its mixing up some UK and EU regulations, or possibly the UK regulations haven't been altered since brexit...
  15. Tigger

    Nobody cares about "AI" (Chatbot: I disagree.)

    Apple suspends AI-generated news alert service after BBC complaint Now we don't even need right wing extremists to generate misinformation, they've created 'AI' to do it for them on an industrial scale and, as a bonus, it consumes so much power in the process that it's accelerating climate...
  16. Tigger

    Social Media and the state

    Late to the party and I can't decide what to quote so I'm just gonna go with generalities. Firstly there is no such thing as a right to unrestricted free speech anywhere. Make a bomb threat, suggest you want to shoot the US president (or your own head of government) or go to Germany and wave a...
  17. Tigger

    Nobody Cares about Britain

    If you're interested in power generation and the power mix used in the UK this site... Energy Dashboard - real time and historical GB electricity data, carbon emissions and UK generation sites mapping will show you the live state, history and has an interactive map you can use to explore all of...
  18. Tigger

    Yay! Nobody Cares about Tickle Me Elmo Musk

    Musk also seems to be ignorant of the fact that Reform isn't a party, its a company and Farage has complete control of it. He literally cannot be replaced unless he wants to go.
  19. Tigger

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    I kinda think Trump turns him on
  20. Tigger

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    Given that the 50 defendants that weren't married to her were just the ones that they could identify, that some of them came back to rape her on multiple occasions and that the husband was a party to/participant in every single rape, I agree.