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  1. Shiloh Lyric

    Nobody Cares - Second Life Is Weird AF

    Oh, Free! I'm so sorry. I know this was a weeks ago, but I apologize! I didn't see you. I'm pretty lazer-focused when I shop! :D
  2. Shiloh Lyric

    Happy Belated Easter 🐰🐇

    Happy late Easter! Good to see you here, Cris!
  3. Shiloh Lyric

    VVO is back!

    Hope your recovery is going well, Cris. Please take care of yourself!
  4. Shiloh Lyric

    netflix Midnight Mass

    I rewatched it with my mom, and noticed a lot of that, also.
  5. Shiloh Lyric

    Goodbye, Nichelle Nichols

    The sad loss of a trailblazer. :'(
  6. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    THIS pisses me off. Hypocrites. It makes me angry that WOMEN believe that THEY are the exception to the rules they want to impose on other women.
  7. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    They're coming after Birth Control and LGBTQ+ relationships/marriages next. :( We're so screwed. They're also already working on a Federal ban, which won't pass NOW, but very well might after the Mid-Terms.
  8. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    I feel absolutely fucking sick right now.
  9. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    It's all about the business, Folks. Forcing women to give birth so other women can adopt the babies they want:
  10. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    More than 800 people at a rally today to demand PA's Democratic Senator, Bob Casey, support codifying legal abortion into law. He is one of two Democratic Senators (the other being, unsurprisingly, Joe Manchin) who are "pro life". I knew Bob Casey was Catholic and not necessarily Pro-Choice, but...
  11. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    There was a few trucks and some other vehicles which drove around DC for a few weeks yelling about "FREEDOM!" at residents, who mostly boo'd them. They haven't shut up about it. They just make sure they're only talking about THEIR freedom to treat anyone they see as "less than" (AKA women...
  12. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    Privileged white boys? Who think this will never actually affect THEM? Who threw their little trantrums back in 2016 and led us to this? And then point the fingers at those of us who fucking warned everyone? Them, you mean? Who've never actually lifted a finger to secure and protect any of the...
  13. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    I can't with people like you today. Join Bubblesort...birds of a feather and all.
  14. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    And, by the way, 5 of the Justices were appointed by 2 Presidents who didn't win the popular vote. One of those seats stolen by Mitch McConnell during President Obama's Administration. Was he too elderly, ya think? :unsure: AND, codifying Roe into law means ending the Filibuster. Guess who's...
  15. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    Hillary is the one who fucking warned everyone. How fucking long has been yelling that "WOMEN'S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMAN RIGHTS ARE WOMEN'S RIGHTS". And SHE would have been defending them every step of the way. I join in the fuck offs. Fuck as completely off as someone can fuck off.
  16. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    Even though I knew this was coming...never really bought that whole "they'll just chip away at Roe, not really overturn it" still feels like a punch in the gut. I'm too old to have to worry about making the choice to terminate a pregnancy, but I have children who aren't. Especially a...
  17. Shiloh Lyric

    SCOTUS set to overturn Roe and Casey

    Welp. It's here. What we knew was coming for the past year. Women's Rights are not Human Rights to a subset in this country. Nor to a majority of our Supreme Court.
  18. Shiloh Lyric

