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  1. Grey Mars

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    There are 17 "official" member groups of the US intelligence community, and quite literally several thousand smaller groups in on the action. Note that these are the ones PUBLICLY KNOWN TO EXIST. Fuck only knows what the actual numbers are, and what kind of role cris cross there actually is...
  2. Grey Mars

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    A more interesting and pertinent question might be "Does he realize just how bat shit crazy the cult member are that he's playing with?" ...or possibly "when is the first assassination attempt by a maga idiot coming?".
  3. Grey Mars

    UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassinated In NYC

    Or he could win the jury roulette like Rittenhouse, and be free to wander around the country doing played speeches. He's guilty, all sides agree on it. He agrees on it as far as I'm aware. But what happens could be anything between death and easy street riches. All we know for sure is that...
  4. Grey Mars

    UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassinated In NYC

    I suspect this is a cultural difference/misunderstanding. Can I assume that in the UK there is a reasonable expectation that your judicial system is not blatantly for sale, and not automatically biased in favor of the richer party? There is no such expectation here. Rather the opposite, it's...
  5. Grey Mars

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    You are entitled to your rage and your pain. No one can tell you that it doesn't massively affect you, or that you should 'just get over it because someone else is also suffering'. It is unfair to you, and I am sorry for your suffering. There are any number of platitudes and what-a-bouts for...
  6. Grey Mars

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    Needs to be in all caps, but otherwise yeah.
  7. Grey Mars

    UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassinated In NYC

    “Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. Thoughts of a Biologist” ― Jean Rostand
  8. Grey Mars

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    The problem is most of the progressive bits of Indiana I'm aware of are in the south of the state. You would however get the former murder capital of the world if you took the north, so good for the record books? Also, no one likes Pence. Not even when they elected him.
  9. Grey Mars

    Election Day 2024 🇺🇸💙🗳️

    Have you been watching these nominees? We're going to be LUCKY if the cojones stay in the underpants.
  10. Grey Mars

    Election Day 2024 🇺🇸💙🗳️

    Most likely, yes. The answer is either truly epic rat fuckery, or the population really is mostly made up of blind hateful sheep. I would like to cling to the slightly more life affirming answer a little longer, but yes.
  11. Grey Mars

    Election Day 2024 🇺🇸💙🗳️

    Harris ran a beautiful campaign. There was for a time hope, and very real chance of things meaningfully improving. The country failed and was imperfect. I want to have the missing 20 million votes explained. How all the ground game data trends and patterns were amazingly wrong. The...
  12. Grey Mars

    Lighting practices in the PBR age?

    I'll have to take another look at the reflection probes now that there are not 5 other irons in the fire, plus being settled on the skylights and such. As I get more PBR metals on display, it will likely be something I should get comfortable with anyway! D'oh! I meant to say that I'm using...
  13. Grey Mars

    Lighting practices in the PBR age?

    In the absence of advice from those who are far more up to date than I am, I'll share what I've turned up on my own. Computer is a fairly beefy laptop, running the current version of Firestorm. Point lighting is still the way to go, though that's a rather 'duh' moment. I've tried to keep it...
  14. Grey Mars

    The 2024 U.S. Presidential race

    I split my time between San Fransisco, Massachusetts, and rural Indiana. There are VERY MUCH red areas, and blue areas, with radically different thinking on even basic issues. It does however break down more to urban verses rural than any arbitrary boundary. The literally isolated and...
  15. Grey Mars

    The Great Doomsday Election: how stressed are you?

    I have a high degree of faith that the voting itself will turn out fine, baring truly epic levels of rat-fuckery. My worries are about everything after that, the endless legal challenges, the inevitable maga violence, the monstrously unhinged rhetoric. ...though come to think of it, the magats...
  16. Grey Mars

    Lighting practices in the PBR age?

    By now the dust has settled a bit on the PBR roll outs and updates, and it's all feeling very smooth and nice. I decided to make a small store update, and three weeks later I have an entirely new sprawling store build. Gotta love that SL project creep... Anyway, what are the current tips on...
  17. Grey Mars

    The 2024 U.S. Presidential race

    It somewhat boils down to the same thing. They (Or I suppose "we", as I am a hetero cis white male who grew up with church) grew up with the hidden narrative that because of what they were, they were going to automatically be the top of the heap. That's not happening anymore, or at least...
  18. Grey Mars

    Is Douchelini in Jail Yet??

    Normally I wouldn't ever bother responding, but man... Have a little pride in your work. The lack of energy in this trolling is rather close to pathetic. I'm less stirred up than I am just starting to feel pity again. At least put in enough effort that I might casually believe that YOU...
  19. Grey Mars

    Apparent Trump Assassination Attempt In PA

    After carefully listening to the experts break down exactly how the USSS works in those situations, and how all the other moving parts operate, along with detailed maps and diagrams, I'm prepared to say it's possible that it was a real assassination attempt. It does however require a young...