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  1. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    It may be something lost in translation but if I understand right, Generalmajor Freuding is talking about aerial supreriority, not aerial supremacy. Those two terms are often confused but they do not mean the same thing. Aerial superiority means that one side has the upper hand in the air but...
  2. Chin Rey

    Another How Do I do this.....

    If you use CasperVend yes, you can add the script to any object you like and use it as a vendor. I don't know other vendor systems but I'm fairly sure it's the same with those. Another alternative is to use an unscripted vendor. Simply add whatever you are selling to the vendor object's...
  3. Chin Rey

    .RAW terrain

    I don't think my method will work for most people so I'll give you the outline for free. ;-) There is actually only one problem with the SL terrain format and that is that it's a unique and weird one that is only supported by Scond Life and Opensim. But opensim also supports a wide variety of...
  4. Chin Rey

    Biden Stands Down

    A more thorough poll gives Harris a 2% lead over Trump and she hasn't even started to campaign yet. Looking good so far.
  5. Chin Rey

    Nobody Cares about Britain

    Even better than the exit poll suggested. The only significant downside is that the Tories managed to capture the position as the official opposition with a good margin. For a while it looked like the Lib Dems had a chance to beat them but I suppose that was too much to hope for. One very...
  6. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    The tank that seems to perform the best in the Ukraine war on either side is the Leopard 1A5. Ukarine received more of them than all the three modern western tanks combined yet so far there is only one reported as damaged and none as destroyed. Accounts and reports from Ukrainian tank crews and...
  7. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    95 billions is for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and several other purposes too. Still, 60.84 billions of the money is earmarked Ukraine and that is stipulated to be enough for them to keep up the resistance for 18 months.
  8. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    What other countries? If you're talking about advanced weapon systems and other high tech stuff, it would mainly be the European nations, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Canada and Australia. None of these countries need to be told by USA not to sell to Russia. If anything they are more supportive...
  9. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    Yes, that's an interesting aspect, not only for Ukraine. With Trump as president, the other NATO countries and USA's other allies around the world may have to try to disentangle their intel services from USA's because of the obvious security risk. That's going to be really messy and may even be...
  10. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    Well, yes, that's obvious and fairly typical of Trump. Exactly how is he going to pressure Ukraine? Cut off the non-existent aid? Send in troops to attack Ukraine? As it is now, USA has no leverage over Ukraine at all and the Ukrainians have no reason to give in to demands from the US president.
  11. Chin Rey

    Mushy Mesh Terraforming

    That's because whoever made that mesh doesn't know how to make physics models. The physics model of a mesh, the one you can walk on and crash into, is separate from the visual model and there are quite a lot of pitfalls for inexperienced mesh makers trying to make good physics models. For a mesh...
  12. Chin Rey

    New Study Shows Cats are Worthless

    Cats don't care.
  13. Chin Rey


    We have to remember that the combined conventional military forces of the European NATO members is far superior to any single nation in the world except for USA. It was, however, not made to operate outside its own territory, including in non-NATO european countries like Ukraine, and of course...
  14. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    Turkey is still fighting against the Kurds in Syria. But I think you misunderstood my post a little bit. Turkey is only one country and nobody else is supporting its actions in Syria. It's also not a democratci nation so you only have to "convice" a few people at the top, not the population at...
  15. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    We're talking all of NATO (except USA), EU and ANZAC here, probably Japan and South Korea as well. Taiwan may join in too once USA shows itself as an unreliable ally. That's a considerably stronger economic power than USA. It's not far behind in military power either and besides, what is Trump...
  16. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    We don't know how aware Putin is of the situation in Ukraine or how much power he still has. There are plenty of delusional hawks around him. But assuming that somebody with a certain level of rationality is in charge in Kremlin, there are six possible (at least from a Russian point of view)...
  17. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    Another piece of info surfaced only an hour or two after I posted here. According to Vyorstka, a news site run by Russian journalists in exile, Russia’s Ministry of Labour has requested 230,000 certificates for family members of deceased combat veterans. If I understand right (I'm not sure I do)...
  18. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    How reliable is this source? There are one or two things in that string of tweets that don't seem to fit what we know from other sources. It may be just the fog of war but it would still be nice to have some confirmation.
  19. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    It may actually be much worse than we think. According to (За півтора року Росія витратила на війну з Україною приблизно $167,3 млрд. З них лише техніки, знищеної ЗСУ, більш як на $34 млрд. Розрахунки Forbes — Russia has paid the equivalent of 25.6 billion US dollars in...
  20. Chin Rey

    The Russia-Ukraine War has begun

    For those who don't follow the Ukrainian summer offensive too closely, it has now entered a new stage. The Ukrainian troops have finally made their way through the minefields and have entered those long Russian trenches east of Robotyne. Those trenches run more or less unbroken for almost 40 km...