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  1. O

    How do blind people use Second Life and Opensim?

    Hello, I am looking to improve the quality of my builds, and a part of that is making my builds more accessible to blind people. I have some ideas like incorporating more sound to go with the models that are present- birdsong for forests, splashes when people through water, etc, but I largely...
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    A Question On Naming

    I'm an Opensim user, so I like VirtualVerse.
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    I think people In Opensim and SecondLife focus too much on large space and not enough on filling...

    I think people In Opensim and SecondLife focus too much on large space and not enough on filling the space they have. I'm not sure I can actually see someone needing a 256 meter space by themselves.
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    opensim OC's guide to reducing graphical weight in Opensim (avatar version)

    Note that I have some qualms about using ARC. uruth be told this probably also applies to the generic "object complexity" meter that is in the build menu. I preffer to check the amount of polygons and the amount/size of textures that an object has myself.- I should probably include this.
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    Common place to get stuff for OpenSim? (other than creating all assets from scratch...)

    Excuse me if this topic is too old, but this is an area that interests me. I think there is very little good-quality content on Opensim (as per my standards). There's a lot CC0 assets that can be adapted for Opensim use, if you know where to look. I'd suggest searching and OpenGameArt...
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    Individual = dumb? A rant about conformity pressure

    I don't have experience with this, it sounds like it may be a good idea to hang out at a differnet grid.
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    Wanted: Names, names and more names!

    Naming regions and parcels is fun! So many cool possibilities. Country names Greece= Olympus or Olympia Netherlands= Holland Germany= Anglo-saxony (IIRC, both Angles and Saxons originated from Germany) Norway=Niflheim Denmark= Muspelheim Sweden= Midgard Town/city names Hamburger (Germany)...
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    opensim OC's guide to reducing graphical weight in Opensim (avatar version)

    I have a question of my own about draw calls; does anyone know under what circumstances draw calls are subjected to "drawcall batching"? Specifically: Can two faces or two objects with the same material get one combined draw call?
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    opensim OC's guide to reducing graphical weight in Opensim (avatar version)

    I hope this essay will be helpful to others, and I will also appreciate having feedback. I would like to know; Does this guide make sense to a reader? Have I provided any misinsformation? Are there any disagreements? The sub-topics are provided in no particular order, is there a preffered...