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  1. Soen Eber

    Social Media and the state

    I really should get more serious with learning German just because of this. When I earlier figured out I was too lazy and inconstant to learn a foreign language to acceptable levels, I instead double-downed on English and general history, because language is so intimately tied to relics of the...
  2. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    Babylon 5 still has cheat codes: Centauri are Roman/Rennaisance Italian based, Mimbari are Asian based, and Narn are angry, exploited honorable barbarian colonials. The other alien races are mostly broad-brushed and painted in competing states colors. Still, about as thought out and complex as...
  3. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    It's been long recognized that the official Federation currency is Handwavium.
  4. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    DEI was successful early on because the companies who were doing it were also ahead of the curve on a lot of other things, and better at finding useful practices that other companies ignored. Then it became "This successful company does DEI so we should too," and too often it became a...
  5. Soen Eber

    Social Media and the state

    Especially when it turns into ab$olute free $peech, which is what we've been seeing.
  6. Soen Eber

    Social Media and the state

    No, the U.K. is a democracy. I don't know what we have here in the U.S., but the politicians we have are more responsible to business and to ideologues than they are to the people, especially to people who need protection from the encroachments of greed, power-lust, and outright lies. The U.K...
  7. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    No, I'm thinking Anshe Chung (spelling?) and dick bombing. Some won't get the reference but most of the regulars will. EDITED: Thanks, Wolfeyes, for the spelling correction on Anshe's name :)
  8. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    The entire Trump deal is an endless variation on "You've got a nice country there, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to it." You just can't give these sort of people any sort of leverage or cave even an inch, they'll never stop. My hope is everyone he deals with in this manner would...
  9. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    Speaking just for myself, I try to avoid stepping in the Scheiß.
  10. Soen Eber

    multiple timers

    It's a simple solution: set a timer for every second, and create an alarm variable which, when assigned, has the interval added to the current time. When the current time matches the alarm time, the alarm goes off. Multiple alarms can be tested for within the timer event. Alarms which are not...
  11. Soen Eber

    The Great 2025 Blizzard

    Clear and cold here. Sun makes it hard to drive, and overnight temps just breaking zero F with daytime highs in the 20's F. A fairly normal January so far.
  12. Soen Eber

    The Great 2025 Blizzard

    Well, it's not usually snow that swamps a power grid, it's ice. So long as it's not freezing on the power lines you'll probably be fine :)
  13. Soen Eber

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    I'm going to have to up my npr donation then
  14. Soen Eber

    Is Douchelini in Jail Yet??

    As a first time offender the odds of prison are unlikely anyways. But I would pay good money to see him with an ankle monitor. And he would have to pay monthly fee for it as well :)
  15. Soen Eber

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    A takeaway:
  16. Soen Eber

    Nobody Cares: PRS

    They'd need a pretty large hand grenade to take out Ramstein AFB, roll on-roll off ports in the Netherlands, and the Maschen marshalling yards. Much easier to send a nuclear IRBM in to do the job while Soviet troops blitz through the Fulda Gap. Those IRBMs were commissioned for Soviet war...
  17. Soen Eber

    The Trump Presidency, Season 2

    Trump? Buy??? His role models are the Mob friends of his youth
  18. Soen Eber

    UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassinated In NYC

    Probably what he's going to face out here. While I'm sure some of the political elite are howling "death penalty" they're probably just going to lock him up forever. like they did for Manson.
  19. Soen Eber

    UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassinated In NYC

    By owning large amounts of stock, the judge profits. Ceasar's wife, and all of that.
  20. Soen Eber

    UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassinated In NYC

    Those cops [and their agencies] have always wanted to part of a CSI montage. Life imitates television. More realistically, the establishment is sending a message. They're scared.