Chin Rey

I'm a content creator, specializing in highly optimized low lag mesh, but I also build with prims and sculpts, write scritps and make textures. My brand names are OPQ, Chin Rey Houses and Bel's Scripts.

I joined Second Life very early and left almost immediately because nobody there would even reply to a "hello". I returned in the spring 2013 to explore the possibiities of using SL as a scene for photos. That didn't work out too well. I was going to take pictures of people in scenes and that turned out to be mroe bother than it was worth because of the lack of consistent proportions. But this time I did stay for a while to explore.

I June 2013 I created my ChinRey alt as a minor just-for-fun rp character. But before the first hour had passed, I had ended up in bad company (that is among builders) and was busy learning the basics of prims at the Ivory Tower. Shortly after I was lucky enough to run across Aley. She generously gave me a several hours long lesson in building and from that day, my fate was sealed.

My active SL alts are:
TessJL Resident
LynxF Resident
ChinRey Resident
RenateIsabella Resident
Jazz021 Resident
StormKB Resident

On TAG I am Tess London

On the hypergrid (if I can remember them all):
Tess JL (OSGrid)
Lynx Juel (OSGrid)
Storm Juel (OSgrid)
Lynx Jewel (Littlefield)
Tess Juel (Metropolis and Kitely)
SL Rez
SL Name
ChinRey Resident


Every journey starts where you are.

Some of my stores: Chin Rey Houses | OPQ Garden and Landscaping | OPQ Builders' Supplies | OPQ Interior || Kitely Market |


  1. 30

    I LOVE IT!

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    Can't get enough of your stuff

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    Seriously likeable!

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    Can't stop!

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    I like it a lot

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    Keeps coming back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
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